We are excited to share an extraordinary post with you, featuring the insightful perspective of Jonas Ndayisenga Proud-Lion, the co-founder and CEO of Umoja Refugee Group. This thought-provoking article, originally published on Newsweek, delves into the critical issues surrounding refugee advocacy, economic inclusion, social protection, and the remarkable resilience of displaced individuals.

Jonas shares his personal journey as a refugee, having experienced displacement from Burundi since the age of three. Through his firsthand experiences in various refugee settlements across Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya, he sheds light on the challenges faced by refugees and the need for their meaningful inclusion in the decision-making processes that impact their lives.

He highlights the importance of refugee-led organizations, such as Umoja Refugee Group, which empower and uplift refugee communities. By providing essential services such as mental health support, vocational training, and youth media training, these organizations strive to foster self-reliance and improve the lives of refugees. Jonas emphasizes that involving refugees in program design and execution not only addresses their immediate needs but also unlocks their potential to contribute to the economic growth of host countries.

The article also acknowledges the World Bank’s influential role in shaping the global agenda for development actors and financing institutions. It calls upon the Bank to prioritize greater inclusion of refugees in the programs designed to assist them, particularly in long-term refugee settings. By embracing the skills, knowledge, and expertise of refugees, and involving them in decision-making processes, we can build a more inclusive and prosperous future for all.

To gain further insights into Jonas Ndayisenga Proud-Lion’s powerful perspective on refugee advocacy, economic inclusion, social protection, and resilience, we invite you to read the full blog post on our website. Simply follow this link: The World Bank Should Talk to Refugees When Addressing Cross-Border Mobility

Let us join hands in amplifying the voices of refugees, advocating for their rights, and fostering a world where every individual can thrive.

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